Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Diversity and Education According Essay

America’s student populations are increasingly reflective of an ethnically diverse society. However, we recognize that there are several major variables for improving the multicultural accommodation apparent in a school. Bruner and Vytgotsky lend this discussion some useful insight concerning such variables. Chief among them, the diversity of faculty, of learning content and of learning media all are directly relevant to the school’s embrace of difference. As the immigrant population continues not only to rise but to diversify in the United States, our educational system, and indeed, our nation has in many contexts attempted to enforce a degree of cultural uniformity inclined to either assimilate or exclude incoming cultures. Standardized testing, rigid curriculum design and poor representation amongst teachers and administrators of a diverse student population have all had the impact of white-washing American education. In the urban setting such as the case at hand, this can be especially problematic, with such failures of institution causing vulnerable students to disengage. Vytgotsky contributes an important idea to this discussion, referring us to the relevance of effective pedagogy in engaging such students. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through group activity. We have a core understanding of the fact that diversity implies not just a diversity of ethnicity or culture but also of potential learning styles or strategy. Vytgotsky offers an effective way to use this diversity to the advantage of the classroom. Group activity is always an effective way to help distill strategies and strengths for individuals. By strategically grouping students according to aptitude and academic strength, we enable stronger learners to directly engage weaker learners in a way that helps to effectively communicate concepts and ideas in play. Vytgotsky essentially contends that there is value to the less effective student of being partnered with a more skilled learner. This interaction can be beneficial to the aptitude of the former and can help the latter develop innate leadership skills. The focus of such legislation as No Child Left Behind does not leave a great deal of freedom or latitude for the urban school to engage in such activities however. There seems at present to be an impulse of standardization directly opposite the need for diversity celebration. Some of the root causes of the failure of our educational system to accommodate diversity as it cuts across multiple demographic lines are resultant of the instruments used to promote student aptitude measurements. (McCarty, 1) Primarily, the ability or interest of teachers to accommodate diversity is stunted by the entrenched presence of institutional prejudices that shape testing standards, curricular design and instructional method in a way that embraces standardization, legislative mandate and procedural uniformity. (McCarty, 1) One of the most heavily-recognized and persistent of such conflicts may be observed still today in the genuine lack of equality in the cultural standards applied to teaching African Americans. Particularly, there is a fundamental failure in the content choices which shape curricula such as those concerning literacy, history, policy and even the natural As part of a cyclical pattern which institutionally prevents our minority populations from being loosed of such a negative spiral, students beholden thereto are either locked into curricula which are given a financial short-shrift and are thus, armed with fewer qualified teachers, or are committed to districts where their cultural and ethnic perspectives are not being accounted for. This is a circumstance which regrettably continues today, with the current presidential administration’s No Child Left Behind initiative imposing further dependence upon the diagnostic testing and grade-evaluation policies which have long been an appendage of established educational patterns. The new education standards are given over to a â€Å"fundamentally punitive law that uses flawed standardized tests to label schools as failures and punish them with counterproductive sanctions. † (Neill, 1) This is also a sharp diversion in focus from that which Bruner argues is a priority for the diverse student bodies in our urban schools. The social impact of the educational experience is, according to Bruner, a fundamental aspect of its quality. The student’s engagement in class will often be a function of his socialization. This provides a firm rationale for the critique of diversity standards in our educational system. Indeed, there is an inherent danger by way of this administrative approach of the loss of pragmatism, which often incorrectly attributes the challenges related to diversity as products of learning deficiencies. This constitutes a fundamental disservice to the student and, it is worth asserting, basic intellectual prejudice which generally stigmatizing the future opportunities availed to those of ethnic minority or immigrant status. In Bruner’s understanding, the socialization of a diverse student body will actually promote learning rather than obstruct it. Therefore, as the ultimate resolution on the subject, our discussion inclines us to acknowledge as a basis of assumption that greater multicultural sensitivity is needed in the teaching of literacy, of the social sciences and of all disciplines on the individual level. Moreover, we resolve that both Bruner and Vytgotsky would find fault with the rigid and disruptive patterns of No Child Left Behind. Ultimately, the two provide theories which merge to suggest that diversity can be managed through flexible management of the classroom and educational experiences. Works Cited McCarty, Teresa. (2005). Language, Literacy and Power In Schooling. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Neill, Monty. (2003). Don’t Mourn, Organize! Rethinking Schools. Online at http://www. rethinkingschools. org/special_reports/bushplan/nclb181. shtml

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Computer Role in Entertainment & the Arts

Computer Role in Entertainment & the Arts How will my leisure activities be affected by information technology? Information technology is being used for all kinds of entertainment, ranging from video games to telegambling. It is also being used in the arts, from painting to photography. Let's consider just two examples, music and film. Computers, the internet, and the World Wide Web are standing the system of music recording and distribution on its head and in the process are changing the financial underpinnings of the music industry.Because of their high overhead, major record labels typically need a band to sell half a million CDs in order to be profitable, but independent bands, using online marketing, can be reasonably successful selling 20,000 or 30,000 albums. Team Love, a small music label established in 2003, found it could promote its first two bands, Tilly and the Wall and Willy Mason, by offering songs online free for (Dowloading—transferring data from a remote comp uter to one's own computer—so that people could listen to them before paying $12 for a CD.It also puts videos online for sharing and uses quirky websites to reach fans. â€Å"There's something exponential going on,† says one of Team Love's founders. â€Å"The more music that's downloaded, the more it sells. â€Å"‘† Many independent musicians are also using the internet to get their music heard, hoping that giving away songs will help them build audiences/*4 The web also offers sources for instantly downloadable sheet music. One research engineer has devised a computerized scoring system for judging musical competitions that overcomes the traditional human-jury approach, which can he swayed by personalities and. olyphonicHMI and a Spanish company, PolyphonicHMI, has created Hit Song Science software, which they say can analyze the hit potential of new songs by, according to one description, â€Å"reference to a finely parsed universe of attributes derive d from millions of past songs. † As for movies, now that blockbuster movies routinely meld live action, and animation, computer artists are in big demand. The 1999 film Star Wars: Episode /, for instance, had fully 1,965 digital shots out of about 2,200 shots.Even when film was used, it was scanned into computers to be tweaked with animated effects, lighting, and the like. Entire beings were created on computers by artists working on designs developed by producer George Lucas and his chief artist. computers as a source of entertainment as well as amusement Answer The sources of entertainment has evolved down the ages. But human beings search for entertainment and things that could amuse him or her has been existing since time immemorial. One of the latest form of entertainment for the present civilization is computers.With inbuilt and loaded computer games, availability of softwares which allow you to paint, listen to music, watch videos, movies and also allow you to create mu sic or videos or movies; computer has really become a major source of entertainment for the people who are computer savvy or at least computer literate. Other than this, the obvious source of entertainment on computers is the internet which not just connects you to the rest of the world but also allows you to find your amusement right at home.Chat rooms allow us to connect with like minded people and discuss with them about our favourite topics. Messengers also allow us to connect to your friends across the world and talk to them. Websites which carry news and other matters related to entertainment become a major source. Online games allow us to play with other people who have access to that game in a virtual world, while we are all seated in our own room in front of our PCs. Innumerable examples of internet as an entertainment source can be quoted.Now with Microsoft and Google promising to built the complete virtual structures of any city in the world on the internet, people would not have to travel to those people on holidays in order to explore and enjoy the city. They just have to log on to the Google World or the Microsoft site and explore the city online where they can walk down the streets enter buildings and even make purchase while they are gossiping about the prices with the other customers in the shops. Now can there be any doubt that computers are a main source of entertainment and amusement in this generation?Computer Games & Entertainment The computer games and entertainment business is a fast growing multi-billion dollar worldwide business, with games platforms ranging from Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, mobile and handhelds including iPhone, iPad and Android phones, PC-based, and massively multiplayer online games (MMOG) involving tens of thousands of people. With ongoing strong demand for graduate computer games programmers from the UK and abroad, this MSc will produce graduates who are well positioned to get a job in this exciting wor ldwide industry.Potential employers include EA, Ubisoft, Sony, Activision, Microsoft, Cinesite, Framestore, and many more. In a wider sense, the influence of computer games programming is spreading to other digital media industries outside games, as seen in products such as Second Life, Habbo Hotel and Bebo, or as seen in other entertainment industries such as special effects for television, videos and movies. Computer games are starting to fundamentally change the way people interact with computerised systems.Computers isn't limited to the areas where we most expect to find it such as business and industry. It's also being widely used in entertainment and arts world. These are almost as Sports: If there is a perfect way to pitch a ball, execute a spin on the ice, or take off from a ski jump, computers can find it. By analyzing the motions of the best athletes, sports trainers and kinetic specialists establish profiles. Other athletes can compare themselves to those profiles and try to improve their own styles and moves. Thus computer can be taken as a crucial element now in entertainment ndustry, with more and more multimedia content being planned, and built many applications as there are entertainers and artists. People look forward to the entertainment for recreation, so that they can reduce their stress and strains of their complex machine like schedules. All our traditional entertainment utilities like music, movies, sports, games, etc. are now affected by IT, one can have all these services, sitting at home and enjoying themselves. Computers are used in entertainment to create or enhance a production or performance.The tools have become so sophisticated that it's becoming almost impossible to distinguish between the real and the artificial in the film and the photography. Movies: If you have seen Titanic, matrix, Jurassic Park or cartoons on any TV channel, can you question the importance of Computers in the film industry? With the aid of sophisticated g raphics and animation packages the special effect technicians can create any illusion. Computers help in improving productivity by automating time consuming, repetitive and monotonous processes.They give the movie makers a lot by giving them the power to create the kind of special effects they want. Computers are widely used to create special effects in Big Budget movies. They are also extensively used behind the scenes to edit film during the production process. Scanners are generally used to help create complex twisting motions. New movies are developed using computer graphics, animations etc. which resemble real life events, thus reducing cost as well as time involved in the making of such movies. Music: The use of technology in the world of music is an unavoidable fact.Any musical composition that we hear today goes through a technological process at some point. Music allows you to edit recorded music or even create your own. With the computer connected to a stereo or synthesize r, you can be your own composer and audience. Both artist and sound engineers are finding novel applications for computer in their work. There are lot of Music Composition languages that provide ways to create music on a computer   some are Music, Symbolic, Composer, Fugue and so on which run on different platforms.Animations: In earlier days, Bugs and Bunny, the road Runner, were laboriously hand drawn in the hundred of the thousands of frame needed for each cartoon but now computers are doing much of the repetitions work. The computer can create outer space, alien characters, and extinct-animals and so on without the need of creating their physical models. The filmmaker then integrates these backgrounds and characters with   the real characters seamlessly. Example is Jurassic Park. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Milestone 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Milestone 2 - Essay Example However, even the best individual encounters circumstances where his/her ethical and moral standards are tested (Bowen, 2009). The Annie Dookhan lab scandal is at the peak of legal, moral and ethical misconduct necessitating an overhaul of the American criminal justice system to avert future injustices. Forensic science can reveal information regarding whether or not a crime was committed, who committed the crime, and what transpired during the crime (James et al., 2009). Mishandling, manipulating, or misinterpreting even one piece of evidence could destroy a person’s life or pervert justice. It is vital that forensic personnel allow evidence to speak for itself without manipulations or errors (Bowen, 2009). Most people trust that scientific analyses provide trustworthy proof regarding the interpretation of evidence, failing to consider that humans handle the evidence, a situation that puts the evidence at risk of contamination (Bowen, 2009). From the scene of the crime to the lab and all the way into the courtroom, forensic personnel should always display good ethical and moral character, while providing trustworthy, first class forensic service (Bowen, 2009). Dookhan is just a drop of water in the ocean of a corrupt criminal justice system whose sole selfish ambition is to reap huge out of crimes committed. In the process, guilty individuals are set free while the innocent are convicted. When someone falsifies reports, interferes with evidence, misguides investigators, and fabricates credentials as Dookhan did (Jacobs, 2013), it shows that the whole system tolerates unethical and immoral conduct. Moreover, the legal backgrounds are so weak that these blatant misconducts go unnoticed and not remedied. Dookhan is just but a sacrificial lamb. The real issue should be the identification of the legal loopholes that lead to such gross unethical and immoral behaviors in the criminal justice system. Prosecuting Dookhan will not

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Managers of the Future Small Businesses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managers of the Future Small Businesses - Essay Example This paper illustrates that managers who are reluctant to change, learn and adapt often find themselves at the difficult ends when future complexities arise. The competitive advantage which organizations strive to achieve may not be achieved or sustained if managers and leaders of the organization are not flexible enough to anticipate future changes. Private sector organizations are growing in complexity and with increasing competition; it has become relatively difficult for the organizations to actually face the future. In order to do so, organizations have to develop the skills of their people. What is critical to understand is the fact that organizations have to close the gap between the current skill set of their employees and the future skills required to perform their jobs. As such it becomes relatively critical for current organizations to develop people and soft skills which will be necessary for the managers of future. Organizations are considered an essential part of the so ciety and the people working in such organizations are drawn from the same society and are affected by the way society is shaped. It is also critical to understand that to work effectively, it is important for firms to actually understand as to what are trends which may arise in future and need to be anticipated and learned. Since modern society moves very fast and new trends and images emerge almost every day, it becomes relatively critical for HR professionals to actually understand such trends and plan accordingly to find managers and leaders who can be equipped to deal with such is critical to note that industrial societies such as UK and rest of Europe and US are now in a post-industrialization era wherein the new challenges and trends are entirely different than that of the past. In advanced economies, workers with low level and low-value skills may not be skilled enough to either work in modern organizations or even manage their own businesses. To achieve this obje ctive, they need to develop new skills.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week 6 - Essay Example Manufacture of aircraft parts involves many risks and therefore the need to develop a good risk response plan. The risks involved in the manufacture of aircraft parts vary widely. The risks may be financial, supplier related or directly related to the manufacturing process. Aerospace manufacturers rely more heavily on the global suppliers which increase to risks. Aircraft parts manufacturers therefore are more exposed to supply chain disruptions leading to disruptions in the production schedules. This is harmful to the learning of the business as there is usually corporate upheaval and loss of sales. The risks of a supplier of raw materials may be reputational, financial regulatory or worse still penalties. Some of the parts manufacturing may also be outsourced to other manufacturers therefore the company may face risks of getting parts that are incompatible with one another. This further delays the manufacture of the aerospace industry parts. The manufacturers also face the challenges of overrelying on one supplier of specific parts. In case there is a problem with the supplier, the manufacturing process is disrupted and the manufacturer incurs huge losses. The manufacturing process risks include injury from the metals parts, chemicals and the power. This may generally harm the employees who may seek compensation from the manufacturer. The manufacture of aerospace parts involves use of high temperatures and high voltages. Also the chemicals used are inflammable therefore if handled without care they may explode (Huskamp & Lyons, par 2). The probability of risk occurrence can be measured through use of previously collected data. The probability of occurrence of raw materials and parts suppliers related risks can be estimated through the evaluation of the financial status of the supplier. When the financial status of the supplier is above board, there is less

Friday, July 26, 2019

Direct Foreign Investment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Direct Foreign Investment - Coursework Example The growth of FDI has always been associated with the growth of financial markets in terms of market capitalization. This paper will compare the FDI in China and Brazil in categories of five factors that influence foreign direct investments. II. LITERATURE AND PREVIOUS STUDIES/ARTICLES SURVEY Research studies indicate that China and Brazil are expected to be among the largest economies in the world by the year 2050. The two countries are considered to be among the biggest and fastest growing emerging markets that have a significant long term growth potential. The two countries occupy a large geographical coverage and research shows that the countries contain about 30 percent of the global population. China and Brazil also have a combined GDP of $16.3 trillion. China and Brazil have an expanding middle class that is expected to double in number within a period of three years. This massive growth in the middle class in the two countries is expected to increase the demand for goods and investments. The two factors of population growth and the growth of the middle income segment make the two countries attractive for foreign direct investment. III. SPECIAL REMARKS AND PERSPECTIVES 1. Attract new sources of demand China has the largest population in the world and population estimates indicate that the population is expected to grow in the coming years. The country’s current population is estimated to be 1.4 billion people as of 2011. This clearly means that china has the largest consumer market in the world. According to Shaukat and Wei (30), large populations imply that an economy has a high potential of consumption hence creating more opportunities for trade. Investors are more likely to invest in China because of its large consumer market. The country has been recording large inflows of investments. The large population also acts as a source of cheap labor for businesses especially manufacturing companies. A large number of businesses have managed to establ ish their businesses in China because of the low cost of labor. In the case of Brazil, the country has a rapid growing middle class economy that has attracted a lot of FDI in recent years. According to Danhua (127), Brazil has managed to attract demand for foreign direct investment because of its rapidly growing middle class economy. The latest economic statistics indicate that the country has a nominal GDP per capita of $12,916 by the end of 2011. The statistics also indicate that the country has been recording an average nominal GDP per capita growth of 5 percent. These statistics clearly indicate that the country has a large purchasing power. The statistics also show that the country has potential prospects of recording an increase in demand for goods and services. This factor has played a major role in attracting foreign into the country. The above analysis indicates that China and Brazil have different factors that determine and influence new sources of demand. Whereas China dr ives its new sources of demand through population growth, Brazil drives new sources of demand through the growth of the middle income segment. Statistics reinforce the difference between the two countries through statistical data that support the two factors. China has the largest population in the world while Brazil is considered to have the highest growth in GDP per capita in the world. Estimates indicate that th

Comparing and contrasting functionalist,marxist and feminist Essay

Comparing and contrasting functionalist,marxist and feminist perspective on religion - Essay Example Religion refers to those socially shared ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that have to do with the supernatural or "beyond" (Zanden 371). For Shepard, Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things (388). The theorists like Marx Weber, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim have different views on Religion. Emile Durkheim presented his functionalist perspective of religion in his work The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Thio 385). He emphasized that religion functions to preserve social order. Every religion possessed both rituals and moral norms (Ibid). By way of rituals, people sanctify and renew their bonds to one another. Their beliefs in the sacred and acceptance of common norms are strengthened. Thus, religion binds the society and maintains it (Ibid). As a whole, functionalist theorists direct their focus on the contributions the religion has made to the survival of the society. Functionalists argue that the role of religion is to preserve the s tatus quo rather than to promote social change. They agree that religion is a beneficial conservative force because it maintains consensus, binds people together and promotes social order. They however see it as having a positive influence, whereas the Marxist view is somewhat more negative in its outlook. ("The Different"). The essential function of religion was to provide through sacred symbols a mirror for members of society to see their common unity. Through its system of beliefs, religion offers an explanation of the nature of social life (Shepard 391). The conflict theorists on the other hand, as represented by Karl Marx viewed religion as producing an otherworldly focus that diverts the oppressed from seeking thisworldy social change (Zanden 382). Marx viewed it is an expression of human alienation and an illusion. It is a form of false consciousness and as a tool of the powerful in the struggles between competing social class ( Robertson 405). It is the "sigh of the oppresse d creature, the heart of the heartless world, the soul of the soulless circumstances. It is the opium of the people" ( Thio 385). Marx considered it as a profound form of human alienation because people tend to lose control over the social world they have created resulting to a situation where they find themselves alien in the hostile social environment (Robertson 405). This is because people shape social institutions expecting that the same will serve their needs yet find themselves to be the servant of the institutions they created (Zanden 382). Conflict theorists have taken a new perspective on the relationship between religion and social change. They view it not as a passive response to social relations of production but as an active force shaping the contours of social life (Ibid 383). Marxist argue that religion is a mechanism for social control- (as does functionalism), religion maintains the existing system of exploitation, and reinforces class relationships and inequalities . Further, Marx argued that religion dulls the pain of oppression by: 1) Promising a paradise of eternal bliss in the after life, 2) By often making poverty tolerable by offering heaven as a reward for they're suffering c) By giving the hope of supernatural intervention to solve the worlds problems and d) Justifies social order/hierarchies- by saying that poverty is divinely ordained as a punishment for sin ( "The Different"). .Feminists on one hand agree with Marxists to the extent of religion acting as an instrument of domination and oppression but not for the ruling class but for men. They believe people live in a patriarchal society. Radical feminists during the 1970's and 1980's view religion primarily as patriarchal ideology regardless of the different forms in which it appeared (Newman, "Feminist"). They found that there exists a relationship between religion and politics. The male controlled institution, such as religion defines women as subordinate to men and are used to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

End of term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

End of term - Essay Example Looking back, the most important learning outcome that I have achieved is my ability to present ideas clearly in an organized manner with a logical flow. I have understood how to integrate facts and figures into my arguments to validate them. Thus, the skills I developed during the course will help me in constructing arguments cohesively and presenting them before my audience. My discussions with peers during collaborated tasks have facilitated the opportunity to understand how perspectives on an issue can differ and helped me develop analytical skills while evaluating a particular situation. These have further enabled me to listen to others with a view to examine the different aspects of an issue to obtain insight on the entire scope of an issue rather than viewing it from a linear point of view. I feel that currently the authorities are framing Environmental Policies, without much consideration about the future legal complications that may arise out of them. Such policies, in my opinion, need to also consider future impacts of a certain policy and how these will affect stakeholders involved. By doing this, we can obviate the possibilities of complications at later stages and thus nullify the need for frequent amendments, which entail wastage of time and resources. The knowledge I gained from this course will help me argue my case with logic and coherence, in well structured and organized manner. At this point, I do not have any specific questions or concerns regarding what we have covered in the course. However, it will be my endeavor to keep improving my skills by taking cue from what I have learned so far in this

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Should Games be Used for Education Purposes in the Classroom Research Paper

Should Games be Used for Education Purposes in the Classroom - Research Paper Example Today, educators are faced with varied alternatives on the method of teaching students. One such alternative is the use of video games in the learning process of a child. This paper will discuss the both the advantages and disadvantages of using video games for education purposes with the view in mind of coming to a conclusion as to whether or not games should be used for education in the classroom. According to Munoz, Kevitt and Lunney, unlike the traditional tutoring which depends on the subject taught and the knowledge and experience of the lecturer, educational games and virtual learning environments (VLEs), give the students the topic which they need to learn and at the same time they are able to attain the skills needed to manage the VLEs (Munoz, McKevitt and Lunney 2). They went on further to say that whereas traditional learning poses a problem in adaptability to the pace of each student; VLEs are able to adjust easily to each student’s pace. Bouchaut, Cig, et al concl uded that VLEs enriches a student’s education because of its â€Å"potential benefits in engagement, attitude, and learning intensity as well as increased collaboration, healthy competition, and detailed learning discussions† (Bouchaut, Cig and Dekker 9). Moreover, they stated that the â€Å"virtual world will help transform the classroom into a vibrant, energetic, and crucially learning focused place where students will actually want to learn more† (9). ... Having discussed the benefits gained from using VLEs, it is important to also look at the other side of the coin. A major drawback presented by critics of video games being used in education is the possibility that students might get too consumed by the games, thereby losing track of the real purpose which is to educate. Some even fear that it may cause addiction among students which will result in more time spent in front of the computer (Bakar, Inal and Kagiltay 2). Another disadvantage of using video games in teaching is that not all games are appropriate to the learning process (Bakar, Inal and Kagiltay 5). The probability of a mismatch between the game content and the educational curriculum exists (Munoz, McKevitt and Lunney 4). Appropriateness is not only concerned with the subject being taught. It is also concerned with the grade level of the students where the games will be used. Proponents of using video games say that its use increases motivation among students but this poi nt is contradicted by other educators who believe that it may also lead to problems in motivation because students have different likes and preferences (Bakar, Inal and Kagiltay 5). What may be a motivator for one student may turn out to be boring for another. The financial issues attached to using video games in the classroom are also major concerns of most schools. If they decide to use the VLEs, a huge part of their budget will have to be invested in computer systems which can accommodate the latest software available. Training of teachers is also inevitable which means additional costs for the schools. To close one’s eyes to the existence and usefulness of video games in the education of the current crop of students is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Microeconomics - Essay Example One of the main characteristics of perfect competition includes sale of homogenous goods where all firms in the market same the same good. The second characteristic of perfect competitive market is perfect information where all sellers and buyers if goods know the price of the good and an increase in price by the seller will result in zero sales. Monopoly is a market structure consisting of one seller and many buyers; hence, the seller has total maker power on price and quantity. The main characteristic of this market is the lack of close substitutes; hence, the users have to purchase from the firm at the price. The second characteristic of monopoly is high barriers of entry that could be as a result of high capital requirement, ownership of production resources by the firm, natural causes, and government offer of single license to the firm ensuring presence of abnormal profits in the long-run in a monopoly market. Oligopoly defines a market structure characterized by few large firms operating in the market hence the decision of a firm affects other firms in the market. A characteristic of an oligopoly is aggressive and defensive advertising to ensure buyers get information on the products and give a firm advantage over the other firms in the market. The other characteristic is price rigidity, since when one firm increase price other firms may not follow suit leading to loss of sales by the firm with an increased prices and augmented sales for the other firms. Monopolistic competition consists of a market structure consisting of firms with a degree of market power owing to the production of non-perfectly substitutable goods, and the aim of the firms is profit maximization. A characteristic of monopolistic competition is free entry of firms ensuring the economic profits in the long-run are reduced to normal profits. The second characteristic is that firms produce differentiated products allowing for a certain degree of market power since the goods cannot be

Monday, July 22, 2019

Thesis Project Manual Essay Example for Free

Thesis Project Manual Essay Research Description 1.1. Overview of the Current State of Technology This section gives the reader an overview of the specific technology or field in the international or local setting. The information regarding the technology or field should be contemporary and not based on outdated sources. Discussion must not be too technical or too detailed. This section ends with a discussion on the problems faced by or that still exist in the specific technology or field (e.g., limitations of existing software or algorithms). 1.2. Statement of the Problem This section contains the statement of the problem which summarizes the closing discussions in Section 1.1 of the Thesis Proposal. The problem statement would lead to the research objectives. If possible, limit this to one (1) sentence only. 1.3. Research Objectives 1.3.1. General Objective This subsection states the overall goal that must be achieved to answer the problem. 1.3.2. Specific Objectives This subsection is an elaboration of the general objective. It states the specific steps that must be undertaken to accomplish the general objective. These objectives must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timebounded. Each specific objective may start with ―to design/survey/review/analyze†¦Ã¢â‚¬â€" Studying a particular programming language or development tool (e.g., to study Windows/Object-Oriented/Graphics/C++ programming) to accomplish the general objective is inherent in all thesis and, therefore, must not be included here. 1.4. Scope and Limitations of the Research This section discusses the boundaries (with respect to the objectives) of the research and the constraints within which the research will be developed. Thesis Proposal Outline and Contents 3 1.5. Significance of the Research This section explains why research must be done in this area. It rationalizes the objective of the research with that of the stated problem. Avoid including here sentences such as ―This research will be beneficial to the proponents/department/collegeâ€â€" as this is already an inherent requirement of all CS thesis projects. Focus on the research’s contribution to the Computer Science field. 2.0. Review of Related Literature This chapter discusses the features, capabilities, and limitations of existing research, algorithms, or software that are relevant and related/similar to the thesis. The reviewed works and software must be arranged either in chronological order, or by area (from general to specific). Observe a consistent format when presenting each of the reviewed works. In this chapter, the maximum number of pages is 10. 3.0. Research Methodology This chapter lists and discusses the specific steps and activities that will be performed by the proponents to accompl ish the project. The discussion covers the activities from the proposal stage to the final stage. Examples of activities include inquiry, survey, research, brainstorming, canvassing, consultation, review, interview, observe, experiment, design, test, document, etc. The methodology also includes the following information: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 4.1. Who is responsible for the task The resource person to be contacted What will be done When and how long will the activity be done Where will it be done Why should be activity be done Calendar of Activities This chapter contains the Gantt chart showing the schedule of activities outlined in Chapter 3 of the Thesis Proposal. The following table is an example of a Gantt chart: ACTIVITY JAN Data Gathering **** Software Requirements Analysis Initial Architectural Design FEB ** **** MAR **** APR **** ** †¦ Thesis Proposal Outline and Contents 4 Appendix A. Bibliography Appendix B. Resource Persons For each resource person, specify the following items: Appendix C. Personal Vitae For each proponent, specify the following items:

Exploring Geneses and Linkages Essay Example for Free

Exploring Geneses and Linkages Essay The contours of international relations changed dramatically during the 20th century, which saw three great conflicts on the world stage. While the First and the Second World Wars were largely located in Europe but found the participation of every major power across the globe, the Cold War split the international system into two ideologically distinct parts, and escalated the scale and scope of contestation beyond Europe. The aim of this essay is to reflect upon the causes behind each of the great wars of the previous century, and also to explore the linkages (and resulting continuity) between one to the next. By looking at the origins of the First World War, we shall find the genesis of the Second, and by analyzing the circumstances of the latter’s conclusion, we shall seek to explicate the onset of the Cold War. The origins of the First World War, which stretched from 1914 to 1918, lay primarily in two distinct geopolitical developments of the late 19th and early 20th century. The first of these was the unification of the German state following the relative period of peace in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars. In 1871, the German unification found the dominance of a singular territory at the center of Europe. Even though thee were initial reservations against German expansionism, the country’s imperial aspirations soon became apparent. A growing population, vast territories, military and industrial growth in an emergent Germany upset the European balance of power at the beginning of the 20th century. As a response, Great Britain, France, and Tsarist Russia formed an alliance, which sought to curtail Germany’s increasing search for territory and markets, with North Africa and the Middle East emerging as primary spheres of contention. While the former alliance maintained that they were safeguarding national interests against German imperialism, the latter claimed it was the victim of the imperial system that restricted access to new opportunities. Matters came to a head in 1914 and war ensued between the imperial alliance and revisionist Germany. A great degree of debate surrounds the causation of the First World War’s outbreak, with some historians squarely placing the blame on Germany, while others arguing that the War resulted out of a series of chain reactions in part due to the manner in which German military plans were conceived. The War ended with a victory for the Anglo-French alliance, but the Tsar of Russia was overthrown by the (communist) Red Army in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The post-War settlement came at Versailles in 1919, with Britain and France held Germany completely responsible for the conflict. Therefore, the settlement – though there were disagreements among the victors over its terms – was harsh on Germany, and included a series of reparations that critically undermined Germany’s status in Europe. Germany was forced to demilitarize, while France occupied the strategic and resource-rich territories of the Rhineland. Perhaps the most humiliating of all clauses in the Treaty of Versailles, however, was the â€Å"War Guilt† clause, which demanded heavy economic extractions from Germany. These were presumably done because it was a popular move domestically for the Allies and also because it provided the opportunity to permanently curb German efforts to fight major wars. These strategies, however, proved imprudent in the end. One of the distinguishing features of the post-First World War world order was the formation of the League of Nations, an international organization based on the premise of common objectives and collective security. Though the League served as the precursor to the United Nations, its implementation left its leading voice – American president Woodrow Wilson – dissatisfied. The League adopted a policy of appeasement, without bearing down on Italian, German, or Japanese aggression in the 1930s, and precipitated the onset of the Second World War in 1939. However, World War II (which lasted from 1939 to 1945) had much deeper origins in the Treaty of Versailles than in the failings of collective security. We must remember that the harshness of the Treaty had embittered the German population, and the same set the scene for Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Party to come to power in 1933. Soon after, democratic institutions in Germany were obliterated and replaced by the Nazi propagandist machinery; Hitler began rearming the country and massively investing in industry and technological innovation, while adopting a policy of anti-Semitism socially. In Europe, a series of crises spiraled out of control and led to the outbreak of war. Italian annexation of Abyssinia, German remilitarization of the Rhineland, and expansion into Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, and sustained civil war in Spain were all contributing factors. Soviet Russia, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, entered into a non-aggression pact with Germany in 1939, so as to secure its western borders; this provided Hitler with the opportunity to concentrate on the rest of Europe, as he gradually unfurled his plans of continental domination. There remains a considerably vigorous debate with respect to the origins of the War in Europe, as many historians see it as an extension of the First World War, with the structural imbalances resulting out of the rise of and alliance between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Others claim that it was a war effort carefully constructed and implemented by Hitler, who had prepared meticulously for the War throughout the 1930s, turning the German state into an efficient war machine. It must be noted, however, that the formal declaration of war in 1939 came from Great Britain and France. A significant difference between the First and Second World Wars was the proliferation of war in the Eastern front, as Japan joined hands with Germany and Italy to form the Axis powers. The Meiji Restoration in Japan, Japanese expansionism in China and the Manchurian Crisis of 1931 opened the casket of war in East Asia, and Japanese aggression on the United States (US) – the (in)famous Pearl Harbor bombings – in 1941 meant that the latter had to terminate its isolationist policy and enter the War. In Europe, the German invasion of Soviet Russia in 1941 facilitated the alliance of Stalin’s regime with the Allied Powers. The last two incidents are noteworthy because these tilted the strategic and military balance in favor of the Allies, leading to an eventual victory in 1945. The Second World War remains the bloodiest military conflict in the history of humanity, and left most of Europe devastated. However, even before the dust could settle on the scourge of war, a new form of conflict emerged, as the US and the Soviet Union (USSR) found themselves vying for supremacy at the world stage; the end of the War had seen the traditional great powers depleted in resources and influence, and this power vacuum attracted both the Americans and the Soviets. The ensuing Cold War between these two superpowers would define the topography of international politics for the next four and a half decades. There, however, were other lessons to be drawn from the end of the Second World War, which inform us about the onset of the Cold War. The Wartime alliance amongst the US and the USSR had grown fragile by 1945, and serious disagreements ensued over post-War settlements. On the eastern front, World War II in effect ended with America’s explosion of the atomic bomb in Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) in 1945. This also confirmed the US’ position as the sole nuclear power, while the USSR retained a conventional superiority in Europe. Even before the latter could attain nuclear parity (which happened in 1949), the two superpowers were at loggerheads as both attempted to assert their influence over Europe, culminating in the Berlin Blockade of 1948, which concretized the Iron Curtain that divided Western and Eastern Europe. The Cold War was characterized by a struggle for power between the US and the USSR, in order to achieve global dominance, both in terms of ideology and military might. The East-West conflict was organized by way of two monumental alliances: the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the USSR-led Warsaw Pact. Further, a nuclear arms race was another defining feature of the Cold War, with massive arsenals stockpiled by either side. Though the world came close to Armageddon more than once (especially during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962), nuclear deterrence preserved the bipolar peace of the Cold War. We find that there are three distinct interpretations of the Cold War. The first understand the conflict as a contest between rival ideologies – liberalism and communism – that tore the world asunder from 1945 to 1991. This ideological divide not only resulted from the unique histories and political cultures of the United States and Russia, the ideologies in turn determined policies, further reinforcing the divide. A second explanation of the Cold War casts the conflict as a geopolitical struggle where adversaries of relatively equal strength endeavored to gather more power and influence over other states in the international system. In this view, the Cold War was nothing but a clash of national interests. Another view sees the Cold War as the result of technological developments, most importantly nuclear weapons, culminating in a deadly arms race between the two superpowers. A major characteristic of the Cold War remained that there was never any direct confrontation, except in diplomatic circles, between the two rivals; instead a series of proxy wars were fought across the globe, designed to advance superpower interests. The end of the Cold War, again, is an event surrounded by debate. Many suggest that it was the aggressive stance of the Reagan administration that brought an end to the conflict, while others claim that it was a result of changes in Soviet policies under Mikhail Gorbachev. Thus, we find in our exploration of the three major conflicts of the 20th century that there remain several linkages that establish continuity from one to the other. All of these bear historical significance in our understanding of war and, in effect, lead the paths to the present when contemplating about international conflicts.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Tesco Compete in a Highly Competitive Environment

How Tesco Compete in a Highly Competitive Environment Topic of the Research How TESCO compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service Background to the Study The successes of organizations are measured through analysing the productivity of organizations. Productivity of an organization is highly dependent on the market share of the organization where they have the demand for the products of the organization. In a competitive environment having a proper market share is dependent on variety of factors. Accordingly the market share and the demand for the products has become a crucial factor for the success of all organizations. Keeping and growing the market share consistency is a critical factor especially in a very competitive environment. In most situations organizations implement and apply different strategies to ensure that their market share is strong and stabilized. Accordingly they develop magnificent range of market strategies as one method and at the same time different products such as diversifications are introduced to the market. Anyhow having a range of different strategies organizations try to keep and expand their market share. This is a best area where a future manager or a leader should identify and study because as with the totally competitive market today organizations needs to apply different methods to keep their market share. Therefore to become a successful manager it is the duty of a potential manager to gain a magnificent knowledge in this particular area. This knowledge will provide an insight and a proper framework to become a strategic manger in the field of work. Accordingly it was decided to study about the particular field of study on how the organizations become successful in a competitive environment while keeping their market share. When it comes to the study area it should be narrowed down in order to obtain a proper knowledge and skill in the field of studies. Accordingly it was decided to study about how an organization competes in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. Accordingly it was decided to conduct the study for the TESCO PLC. Research Problem and Justification As described earlier it is not just an easier task to compete and survive in a competitive business environment. Therefore it is required to identify how several organizations implement their strategies to compete in a competitive business environment. This is a critical problem where each and every manger should address to identify different strategies implemented by organizations. As per the subject area is too widen at once it is impossible to conduct a research on identifying different strategies of range of organizations. Therefore the best option is selecting a one organization in the competitive market and analyse the different strategies implemented by particular organization. Accordingly it was found that TESCO Plc has become more successful in the business for a long time of period and currently as well in a growing success. At the same time TESCO is in a very competitive market environment where market leaders such as ASDA and Sainsbury are also competing. At the same time TESCO maintains a range of low cost products and still having an extraordinary market share. Considering all these aspects it was decided to conduct the research on Tesco under the following topic, How TESCO compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. This study will provide a comprehensive analysis on how Tesco compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. Objectives of the Study To identify different type of strategies implement to compete in a competitive market To gain an overall knowledge on TESCO To identify the strategies implemented by TESCO to compete in the market Scope and Limitations of the Study The successfulness of Tesco with the competitive market may not only due to the actions done in order to be stable in the market there may be different several reasons which affects for the success of the organization. For an example the long brand image, the quality of the products may be merely the reason for the organizational success in the market. But this study only measures up a particular area which is the impact of strategies of the organization in order to survive in the competitive market. But when come to the actual situation there may be many more reasons which create the demand for the organization. Apart from that this study should not be conducted to a one particular organization; it should be conducted to a range of organizations under the title of affect of organizational strategies to survive in a competitive market with low cost products likewise the study should be expanded to a level where we can do the study for several case studies which will provide a better framework to critically identify the factors behind successful organizations in terms of survival in a competitive market. It will cover a vast area of research study and will provide a better environment to identify the reasons behind organizational success in terms of retaining the market share. But here the scope of this study is limited only to identify the strategies of Tesco in order to be successful in the competitive market. It is true that this scope of study covers a vast area but to be more successful this research study can be expanded to that area. Literature Review The literature review on this study is consisted with two main parts one is identifying about general strategies applied in order to achieve success through having a proper market share and then it is explained the literature on TESCO plc. Tesco was established in 1919 by Mr. Jack Cohen who began the business to sell additional groceries from a stall at the East End of London.C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopuntitled.JPG In 1924 Jack sold out his own-brand product and at that time the first product was Tea production. After that he developed the business by intensifying it as TESCO stores. Accordingly the branches of TESCO were opened United states, Taiwan, China etc and now they have become as a leading chain of supermarkets providing a high class customer service in UK and as well as in outside UK. Following is a SWOT analysis of Tesco Plc. Strengths Weaknesses The business has an Increasing market share. Tesco has held a 13% share of the UK retail market. Successful trade in Insurance, Tesco Personal Finance reached the milestone of one million motor insurance policies in fiscal 2003 Tesco -online Super market- Tesco Provides an online supermarket and it is the worlds major online supermarket and this year the group had sales of over  £577 million High Brand value for the business- The earnings for the operations of this organization has enlarged in 75% covering the countries in Europe, Asia and Ireland in the last fiscal year Has reinforced the UK market leadership- Tesco has developed a unbeaten business strategy that has increased its advantage. Tescos UK sales are now 71% larger than Sainsburys who is a competitor for Tesco Dependence mainly upon the UK market- still mainly dependable on the UK market. 73.8% of there revenue is from there UK market decrease of Debt- Tesco is not predictable to decrease its debt until at least 2006 Opportunities Threats Non-food trade high demand- The growth in Tescos hypermarket format in the UK means that there are prediction of seeing its 13% share of retail sales Increasing demand for Health and beauty- Tescos UK health and beauty ranges go on to grow Further international expansion on the business area-expanded business to Asia Europe structural modify of UK could flash a price war Overseas income could be reduced due to hazards in those countries International growth of competitors The Corporate Strategy of TESCO The fundamental for the corporate strategy of TESCO is to widen the range of the business which can bring strong sustainable long-term growth by following the customer into large growing markets at residents such as financial services, non-food and telecoms and new markets abroad, initially in Central Europe and Asia, and more recently in the United States. Accordingly the strategy of diversify the trade of TESCO was started from 1997 and it became the basis of Tescos success in recent past. The objectives of Tesco corporate strategy are as follows, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To become a unbeaten international retailer à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To grow the heart of the business in UK à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To become powerful in non-food services as in food service. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To put up retailing services such as Tesco Personal Finance, Telecoms and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To give main concern to the community on what Tesco does. The Strategies of Tesco is based on five main elements as Core UK, Community, Non-food, Retailing services, International. Maintaining UK as the Core Growth in the UK business Tesco is more consider to new spaces, additions to existing stores and a multi-format approach. Sales of non-food, which shapes another key part of their strategy, also add to the overall UK growth picture. Consider about Community They are having Community Plans in each nation which based around their community promises actively behind local communities; buying and selling their products responsibly; caring for the environment; giving customers healthy choices and good jobs for local people and replicates the needs of the local communities they serve. Non Food Business Their strongest range of non-food can be seen in Extra stores and Homeplus, including electrical, home entertainment, clothing, health and beauty, stationery, cook shop and soft furnishings, and seasonal goods such as barbecues and garden furniture in the summer. Retailing Services The Tescos main strategy on this is they consider that their customers are diverse and their needs are changing always. So they try to offer more than one way to shop. Accordingly they are having Tesco Personal Finance (TPF),, and Tesco Telecoms to offer wide range of services. Consideration on International Market Tesco operations operate in 13 markets outside the UK, in Europe, Asia and North America. Their latest strategy is to enter into the Indian market where they have taken first step in last year, by establishing a cash carry business. The above literature covers a vast area on the TESCO which is highly important in doing a research study because in actually without having a proper understanding about the organization it is difficult to study a particular area of the organization. Accordingly after gaining an overall understanding about the organization the following literature has been discussed on strategies done to ensure competitive advantage in general and as well the specific strategies of Tesco to compete in high competitive market. Competitive Advantage Many firms put their fullest attempt to achieve the competitive advantage. Some businesses try to get the competitive advantage by offering lesser prices or providing excellence services or other benefits that rationalize a higher price. But organizations must always try to build the strongest competitive advantage which is a strategy that cannot be simulated by the other companies. Michael Porter (1980) introduces three strategies to accomplish competitive advantage as Cost leadership Differentiation Focus Once the competitive advantage is accomplished it is not the end result, because once accomplish that company should try to retain in that situation. It means the firms should have to be in a sustainable position. The competitive advantage of that stage is sustainable competitive advantage. In order for a firm to reach a sustainable competitive advantage, its broad strategy must be stranded in a quality that meets four criteria. Those are as follows: Valuable -it is of value to consumers. Rare -it is not commonplace or easily obtained. Inimitable -it cannot be easily imitated or copied by competitors. Non-substitutable-consumers cannot or will not substitute another product (Info Abstracted by: Competitive Advantage. Encyclopaedia of Business, 2nd ed. By Dena Waggoner) The following section assesses the different strategies implemented by Tesco in order to compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. The analysis of data and information of Tesco Plc was done by identifying the different faces of brand management and how can that effect to achieve the competitive advantage. As the introduction was given about brand management at the literature review if an organization need to be in a position of sustainable competitive advantage position. That brand should bear following four characteristics. Valuable -it is of value to consumers. Rare -it is not commonplace or easily obtained. Inimitable -it cannot be easily imitated or copied by competitors. Non-substitutable -consumers cannot or will not substitute another product (Info Abstracted by: Competitive Advantage. Encyclopaedia of Business, 2nd ed. By Dena Waggoner) Competitive Advantage strategies of Tesco A company should be strategic enough to assess the possible techniques of brand management and then select the most appropriate and worth enough competitive advantage method. According to Michael Porter differentiation is a one best method of strategic competitive advantage. Differentiation can be done by People differentiation, market differentiation, price differentiation, and product differentiation and so on. In this differentiation accompany should be able to make sure the customer wants, understands, and understands the difference offered. If we get the product differentiation that difference should be significant, unique, superior, communicable, primitive, reasonable, and profitable. Otherwise that variety will not become a competitive advantage and it will be a waste to the organization. When an organization do a differentiation which is important, distinctive, superior, communicable, primitive, affordable, and profitable, it will get popular within the society and immerge as a brand. That is the success of the competitive advantage. So if we get the case study of Tesco Company, it first came out with the Tesco brand in 1924. Today Tesco is known as the British largest retailer by global sales an also domestic market. And as well it is the third largest retailer of the world. So the study of the manner that they are controlling the brand name Tesco in order to achieve the competitive advantage is a good opportunity to gather massive knowledge in this subject area. It was done by studying different viewpoint of brand management in Tesco. Brand value of Tesco: As per the literature embraces on consumer ideas the main reason for this strong brand image is because of the good quality, consistent goods that represent outstanding value. Tescos original ways of improving the customer shopping understanding, as well as its hard work to branch out into finance and insurance have also capitalized on this brand image. Because of this brand value the profits of Tescos operations in Europe, Asia and Ireland enlarged by 78% during the last fiscal year. Their main market base is UK. So the way that they are doing the brand management is as follows. Brand Management of UK Market Base As the prime retailer in the UK, the customer expectation on Tesco is high. So a small failure in upholding the brand image will lose the trust and confidence of the organization. That is why they gained competitive advantage should be sustainable and brand management should be done to retain that. So the consideration of potential risks for the Tescos brand image is extremely important. According to the analysis we can describe they have used the present affecting Tesco brand image of people to expand into new areas such as retail services and non-food and to identify the commercial urgent to do the exact thing for all their stakeholders and evade the loss of such loyalty of people. They are upholding Tescos values at every level and the organizations Code of Ethics guides staffs behaviour in their transactions with customers, employees and suppliers. They try to work out with all the levels stakeholders to get their views and to make sure that the strategies are reflects of the stakeholders. The initiate of the Community Plan in 2006 which was established their pledge to engaging in a wide range of social and environmental issues. Tesco is having eminent level of committees, including the Executive Committee, Corporate Responsibility Committee and Compliance Committee, to guide and monitor their policies. International Brand Management Tesco is having more than ten years of experience in foreign countries; they are using strategy based on six basics in international brand management: Be flexible each market is exceptional and requires a diverse approach Act local local customers, local cultures, local supply chains and local regulations require a modified offer conveyed by local staff Uphold focus on a few countries to be the leading local brand is a long term effort and they believe that it cannot do like growing mushrooms. Use multi-formats no single format can reach the whole of the market. A whole range from convenience to hypermarkets is necessary and they require to take a discounter move towards all the way through Develop ability Its not about scale, its about skill so they want to build that they have enough capability through people, processes systems Build brands brands allow the building of significant continuing relationships with customers. Methodology of the Study The methodology of this research study can be divided into several sections. The first section of the research study deals with the literature review on several aspects, firstly it finds out various articles, definitions, different studies to exactly define about different strategies of organizations applied to compete in a challengeable business environment. After clarify above two from the literature, above broad review of literature has been carried out on TESCO plc starting from its history in to a broad study of organizational products, services, low cost products and strategies. This will be a major part of the literature review which really analyses the literature on organization in analysing its strategies to compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. After that comprehensive literature study the questioner survey will be conducted with the clients of the Tesco to find out its impact on strategies. Apart from that a study will be conducted as a direct interview with the senior management of Tesco selecting a proper sample. Conclusion This is a research proposal based on the topic of How TESCO competes in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. Accordingly this study discusses about the background to the study and the problem of the study and the justification of the study. After that the consideration was given to identify the objectives of the study and then it was discussed the scope of the study and as well the limitations of the study. After identifying the above topics the methodology of the study has been described and after that a comprehensive literature review has been conducted. As a conclusion that this research proposal provides a better and a comprehensive framework to conduct the research study in a meaningful manner. Accordingly it can be elaborated that in the real research study further we can find out more secondary information on the organization and as well on the factors behind successful strategies to become highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. Further the research study can be completed as a study which discusses a wide area on the factors in finding competitive strategies of organizations with fruitful findings to apply for national and international business environment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

South Beach Diet: The Healthy Low Carb Alternative :: Health Nutrition Diet Exercise Essays

South Beach Diet: The Healthy Low Carb Alternative The South Beach Diet is a healthy alternative for promoting a healthy heart and lifestyle and for losing weight. Though often referred to as a low carbohydrate diet, South Beach does not endorse eating the unlimited fats and proteins that have become a signature criticism of the low carb diets. Instead, the diet was created with the intention of improving people’s cardiovascular health while also helping them to lose weight. The general concerns voiced about low carbohydrate diets do not apply to the South Beach Diet. The main criticism of the low-carbohydrate diets is that they allow unlimited consumption of fats and proteins, therefore putting people at a greater risk for heart disease. Although the South Beach Diet is often grouped in with other low-carbohydrate diets, Dr. Agatston, the diet’s creator, wants people to think of it as a healthy lifestyle, not a diet. To dispel any myths that this diet is unhealthy because it is viewed as a low-carb diet, let’s begin with a brief overview of what is and is not allowed on this diet. The South Beach Diet does begin with a strict two week phase of very few carbohydrates, excluding all bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. As soon as the two week phase is over, people can begin reintroducing â€Å"good†carbs such as whole wheat bread and fruit that have nutritional value, like fiber, while still excluding the â€Å"bad† ca rbohydrates such as processed flour that has lost most of the natural nutrients. With the reduction in carbs, there is a higher consumption of proteins (they are included in just about every meal), but some protein rich foods such as fatty meats (for example, duck and chicken wings) are prohibited. This is because fatty meats contain higher levels of saturated fats, the â€Å"bad† fat that is linked to heart disease, which are avoided as much as possible. On the other hand, good sources of unsaturated fats such as nuts, fish, and olive oil are encouraged. The South Beach Diet is really about making better choices when eating, which includes choosing the right carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for a healthier heart. More important than the structure of the diet is why the diet originated.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sympathy for Jane Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay -- Jane Eyre Char

Sympathy for Jane Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre In the first two chapters of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte creates sympathy for Jane from the settings she uses like the red room, which comes up later in chapter two. Also with all the metaphors of Janes true feelings under the surface and the ways that the chapters are structured. Charlotte Bronte starts off the book straight to the point as if we just enter Janes mind at this moment in time, it is meant to draw the reader in and at once create the atmosphere of this time when we have joined her. With the 'clouds so sombre' and the 'rain so penetrating' we get a glimpse inside Jane knowing that she must be so 'cold' inside like the 'winter'. While there is a fire inside the house where she could get warmth to fill her up she is not allowed, and with a 'saddened' 'heart' she's not even told why she can't sit with the family around their 'mamma' by the fire but instead 'dispensed from joining the group' and not told why. This helps create sympathy for Jane by trying to show the reader that she is a 'deprived' child, and the only escape she gets is when she goes to the 'window - seat' and shuts the 'folds of scarlet drapery'. But still she now feels protected, but not yet separated until she reads her books. The weather once again bears it face to show us that Jane still is not happy with 'a pale blank mist and cloud' and 'ceaseless rain' which could be the tears of frustration which we must feel she has to hold back to never show any signs of weakness or hurt to Mrs Reed or her children especially John who steps into the book in a while. The book begins to resemble a gothic genre with its 'stormy' atmosphere and the 'phantoms' around 'the quite solit... ...k and locked' her 'in without further parley.' And then 'unconsciousness closed the scene.' Which is another dramatic ending leaving the reader feeling angry with Mrs Reed and sympathizing greatly with Jane. I think Charlotte Bronte has done a good job of getting the reader to sympathize with Jane otherwise I wouldn't be writing an essay on it. She constantly brings in Jane's place in society, a woman's place but to make it worse a poor woman's place. The first two chapters let us know that this is the beginning of a journey for Jane to find her place to find out why she was put there to fight against the waves that try to bring her down. Charlotte Bronte was a critic of her time and has done a very good job of opening closed minds to the things that an ordinary plain girl like Jane which is inside every woman has to fight against to find their place.

The Destruction of our Environment :: essays research papers

One of the greatest arguments of philosophy and the scholastic disciplines of the sort has been the debate on the degree of influence that nature has on the growth and development of human beings and the civilizations that define them. By examining the interactions of the environment and the living creations that reside within, one is able to examine and define the type of relationship in place between nature and the creatures of the world. Upon first glance, one will notice that the fundamental roles of the environment and the creatures within respectively are that of a cyclical reciprocity wherein the environment serves as a primary provider in a great cycle of life and death, a cycle that all of the living creatures, especially humans, are a part of on a daily basis. The first premise is that the environment’s role in the cycle of life is that of a provider, wherein all possible forms of energy and sustenance derive. All of the environment’s facets, the air, the water, the verdancy, serve as the primary commodity with which the basic order of life on this planet employ for their means of sustenance. Most animals in nature directly receive their means of sustenance directly from consuming articles of the earth, namely plankton, field grass, and the lowest forms of animals and receive their obligatory elements from the water and the air. All animals are entangled in the reciprocation of water and air, for all animals consume water and then replete the water supply via digestive process wherein water is returned to the Earth, and all mammalian animals transfer air amongst their environment wherein the plants are able to internalize this discharge and return back into the environment viable source of breathable air. These basic roles help to foster the more complex roles that are found in the environment between the different forms of life, the different types of animals and plants. The more complex roles that one will see in play in nature include the hierarchy of the predacious wherein animals comport their existence to the animals and plants that they rely on for food, energy, and maintenance. It is by this process of comporting to the environment that becomes the predication on which a species’ evolutionary track progresses, towards prosperity and towards stagnancy. It has been refuted by many, but accepted by most that it is due to a harmonious and contemporaneous existence between the environment and those who depend on the environment that results in the prolonged existence and evolution of a species. The Destruction of our Environment :: essays research papers One of the greatest arguments of philosophy and the scholastic disciplines of the sort has been the debate on the degree of influence that nature has on the growth and development of human beings and the civilizations that define them. By examining the interactions of the environment and the living creations that reside within, one is able to examine and define the type of relationship in place between nature and the creatures of the world. Upon first glance, one will notice that the fundamental roles of the environment and the creatures within respectively are that of a cyclical reciprocity wherein the environment serves as a primary provider in a great cycle of life and death, a cycle that all of the living creatures, especially humans, are a part of on a daily basis. The first premise is that the environment’s role in the cycle of life is that of a provider, wherein all possible forms of energy and sustenance derive. All of the environment’s facets, the air, the water, the verdancy, serve as the primary commodity with which the basic order of life on this planet employ for their means of sustenance. Most animals in nature directly receive their means of sustenance directly from consuming articles of the earth, namely plankton, field grass, and the lowest forms of animals and receive their obligatory elements from the water and the air. All animals are entangled in the reciprocation of water and air, for all animals consume water and then replete the water supply via digestive process wherein water is returned to the Earth, and all mammalian animals transfer air amongst their environment wherein the plants are able to internalize this discharge and return back into the environment viable source of breathable air. These basic roles help to foster the more complex roles that are found in the environment between the different forms of life, the different types of animals and plants. The more complex roles that one will see in play in nature include the hierarchy of the predacious wherein animals comport their existence to the animals and plants that they rely on for food, energy, and maintenance. It is by this process of comporting to the environment that becomes the predication on which a species’ evolutionary track progresses, towards prosperity and towards stagnancy. It has been refuted by many, but accepted by most that it is due to a harmonious and contemporaneous existence between the environment and those who depend on the environment that results in the prolonged existence and evolution of a species.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Home Schooling and Public Schooling

Never before in the United States have parents been so disgruntled about their children†s education. The main reason behind this massive disruption seems to be that public schools are not living up to parent†s standards. Because of this, parents are taking their child†s education and future into their own hands. Many parents are turning to an â€Å"alternative† means of educating known as home schooling. Home schooling is simply education of school- aged children at home rather than at school. Parents are choosing home schooling over public schools because public schools are not meeting their child†s academic, individual, and/or disability needs. First, parents are choosing home schooling over public schooling because public schools are not meeting student†s academic needs. Parents expect their child will learn to read, write, and acquire basic math skills by the time they graduate. However, public schools throughout the United States are failing to teach these basic academic skills. Recent studies appear to show that many who graduate, as many as 25%, cannot read or write at an eighth grade level. This is a tragic statistic for a nation claiming to be so developed. There are more opportunities to gain an education in the United States than any other country in the world, yet evidence seems to shows that the United States rank at the bottom of industrial nations in reading, writing, and arithmetic. In addition, students are said to be ranking lower than ever on Academic Achievement Tests. Children who attend public schools rank in the â€Å"average zone† whereas, home schooled children typically score above average. To add to this common bit of knowledge the press has recently reported the startling news that children schooled at home seemed to be five or more years ahead, of their formally trained peers, in their ability to think. These statistics prove that home schooled children are doing better in all academic areas compared to children attending public schools. Secondly, parents are choosing home schooling over public schooling because public schools are no longer taking a student†s individual needs into consideration. Since students are taught lessons based on an academic calendar year, they are expected to be able to complete specific tasks by the end of that year. When students fail to meet these expectations they are required to repeat the same grade the following school year, or worse yet, passed on without ever gaining the needed skill. For example, at the end of a school year if a student is having difficulties reading but doing well in other subjects he or she will be required to repeat the same grade or will be passed on continually without ever learning how to read. If students were properly tutored in the areas they are having difficulties in they would not have to repeat the same grades or graduate without the tools necessary to be successful. Unfortunately public schools do not give special tutoring to students like they once did. Teachers in the public school systems are teaching students as though they are on an assembly line. They no longer have time to work one on one with them. Unlike public schooling, home schooling allows parents to teach in a style and at a pace that best fits their child†s needs. Home schooled children are not held back in the same grade if they are lagging behind in particular subjects. Their parents can move them to the next grade and tutor them in the subjects they are having trouble with. Children who are home schooled also get individual attention from their parents. They do not have to worry about waiting for their teacher to find time to help them. It is becoming apparent to many parents that home schooling meets the individual needs of their child better than public schooling. Finally, parents of children with physical and mental disabilities are finding that home schooling meets their child†s handicap needs better than public schooling. A major downfall of public schooling is that handicapped students are graded in the same style as the rest of the students. In public schools, children with handicaps are still expected to complete all of their assignments in the same given time as other students. Teachers are not taking these children†s handicaps into consideration. For example, children with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) have trouble staying focused and are easily distracted. As a result of constantly being distracted, they are not able to complete their assignments. This type of grading style has become a great concern for parents of disabled children. Because of situations like this one, parents are making decisions to teach their disabled children at home. By teaching their children at home they are in an environment that is equipped to aid in their development. For instance, children with ADD are in an environment where they will not be influenced by the action of other children and cannot be as easily distracted. In addition, they have special time to complete their assignments, as well as have all of their assignments tailored to fit their abilities and needs. By home schooling, children with learning disabilities are given equal chances of succeeding in their education which they otherwise would not get in public schooling. Public schools may have been the center for learning years ago. However, today they are not meeting children†s academic, individual, and disability needs. As a result, parents are choosing to educate their children through home schooling. Reports show that home schooled children are ahead of children who attend public schools by a noticeable degree. In addition, disabled children are having their needs met better at home than in public schools. They are being given an equal chance at succeeding in their academic endeavors. Parents are choosing home schooling because it currently offers the best solution to their problems facing the public school systems.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Famous Personality Who Has a Great Influence on Me

In the world, most of commonwealth need to change themselves. It might be they meet somebody who inspires them to do something that neer done before and I am one of those people. I love volleyball game game so much since I watched SAORI KIMUEA on a TV. She is a Japanese volleyball endureer and truly known because of her beauty, talent, and skills of opposition which are reasons for me ask to be deal her. The previously, I met her. I disliked example really much I had never fantasy that sports were very exciting. I wasnt interested in any sports.I was very an indolent person and didnt prepare to study, do activities with friends, or the challenging things until I had seen the fierce volleyball game that SAORI KIMURA kneaded, I felt sweet and wanted to play, the same clip I really admired her smile, beauty, and sweet abject which are the important things for me or stern say another way that I want to change myself form an trifling person into an enthusiastic person . Initially, I sightly only watched I didnt know the rules of volleyball and how to play it.I didnt have courage I was afraid of the mistakes, nevertheless I want to be the best volleyball musician, so I decided to play for my dream. I tried to play, but my first time wasnt easy I began to use my coat of arms to hit the ball, suddenly the ball was backward. In fact, it should be forward, at that time my friends laughed very loud. It was so embarrassing, but I had never surrendered, I tried again I practiced harder and harder. Finally, I can play volleyball better than before, and last year, I became to be a volleyball player of my school team I was very glad.The volleyball taught me many things such as what is the teamwork? Dont be afraid and technical of doing raw things because everything has to practice the same as performing volleyball. For those reasons, I dont have to worry close to mistakes when I do the challenging things. I have to thank Miss SAORI KIMURA who is my t ransport she makes me know the endeavor and have more than daring especially, I can play the volleyball like her even thought I havent been good enough yet, but I promise that one solar day I will be the famous volleyball player like SAORI KIMURA.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Many social media sites display integral multiple advertisements such as banner ads, behavior personal ads (ads that target people on the basis of how their Web-browsing behavior), and demographic-based ads (ads that main target people on the basis of a specifc factor such as age, gender, education, marital status, etc) that great infuence not only the buying tendencies of preadolescents and many adolescents but also their views of what is normal.All three different regions viz. Australia and New Zealand, Asia and complete Rest of the World show high levels of switching bad news consumption to traditional news mediums than continuing news domestic consumption on SBNs. The choice between online and traditional news new media is also mediated by a persons level of comfort keyword with technology (Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) as well as greater ease of use of the technology (Venkatesh, et al.Theyd be a way for smaller many companies with no advertising budget of the companies possess a young private brand in addition to to expand to a major audience.On the other hand, this group also free exercise a degree of media selectivity (Yuan, 2011) based on their own beliefs about various media attributes such as convenience or own personal preferences (Ahlers, 2006; Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) for consuming news by antibody combining different news medias (e.g. SBNs, television) (Yuan, 2011).Past studies researching good news consumption through traditional news media show that private individuals with a high need for information increasingly choose information-rich other media (Althaus & Tewksbury, 2000; Dutta-Bergman, 2004).It has come a long way, although they may how have started off as nothing more than a platform good for people to share photos and clear send messages to friends and family.

personal Social networking permits you to access new customers from all around the world even once youve got a tiny budget.Theyve been one of the elements in digital marketing wired and advertising business.Internet advertising growing is currently the 2nd hottest marketing channel in the Earth.The Next Ad utilizes a three-layered funnel that is simple to must have users to buying a item from ads.

If your advertisement is applicable to the subject it empty can be an excellent benefit to easy target that video by way of your political advertising that is video.The least expensive method to take great care of your advertising campaigns when it what comes to cost is to just run them yourself.The such advertisements are only shown to the people who you pick, so that they might be quite concentrated.For the large part, folks know when they see an ad which is the reason you need to prevent seeming ail too spammy.

Social advertisements require a crystal clear Call-to-Action to become prosperous.Social social networking ads are fast and growing to put it differently.Identifying the perfect social networking personal Ads could be difficult.Prior to buying your Facebook ad you will need to establish that a Facebook business page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Kibera Slum

Kibera expression look back- pic Kibera is a spend divsion in the urban center of capital of Kenya, Kenya. It is determined 5 kilometres from the urban center centre. It is the largest slum atomic number 18a atomic number 18a in capital of Kenya and the endorse largest in Africa. A 2009 universe and caparison survey describe that Kiberas community as 170,070. It is severe to acccurately figure out the population collect subject to the particular that the slum hasnt been form altogethery reconised by the Kenyan government.moreover because it is a slum, residents may not be able to represent or write, so pickax in censes are a problem. general Facts- cosmos 700-900k quad from Nairobi 7 km strong-arm size of it of it (acres) 630 allot of quite a little earning 15% Est. support orphans 50,000 package of mint economic rent 93% Avg. periodical rent $15USD Avg. board per fireside 1. 11 usual right smart of life size 9 x 9 It is a taper where the bulk who await at that place spunk measureless challenges, including the fol upseting, to chance on a few support in one-room houses make of mud, with ass roofs with approximately 1m? of pose per person. No outpouring pee ( closely pee has to be purchased from brokers) circumstantial to no advance to electricity far-flung unemployment and low working-class evaluate ( $1 a solar day for the majority) rampant(ip) disease, from malaria to epidemic cholera to human immunodeficiency virus lose of monomania of their airplane propeller Improvements- afterward a decennary or so thither has been an subjoin in efforts to change conditions. The most celebrated prototype is KENSUP, or the Kenya slum Upgrading Project, which is sponsored by UN-HABITAT. Resulting from a 2000 come across amongst chairman Moi and the UN compassionate Settlements Programme, KENSUP aims to rectify bodily structures in Kibera and some other slums by means of a surgery ca lled slum upgrading. The plan calls for the acting(prenominal) relocation of residents of Kibera to close decanting stations, allowing the edifice of permanent wave d swellings to conk out in the Kiberan villages. be given has commenced in the Soweto tocopherol village, and as of family 2009, the depression decanting site was downstairs construction. Kibera postulate come/ occupation rights, housing, water, electricity, wellness clinics, education, employment, earnest asset ofttimes more. only these issues are organism intercommunicate to a lesser or great point by more an(prenominal) organizations including the Churches, UN-Habitat, MSF, AMREF etc. money is conclusion its way by dint of from many global organizations including gate Foundation, circuit card Clinton Foundation, all the well cognize charities and of logical argument the churches some(prenominal) in Africa and internationally.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Race, strain, Gender, and internality unhorse 2010 WGST 304/SOCY 304/ POLI 305/AFRO 398R portion 001 collision generation TTH 930-1045AM military positionCurrell College 203 instructor Dr. Sharon leeward lily-white visit 777-four hundred7( revel circu slow message) e-mail emailprotected sc. edu realness Hours By assigning l wizard(prenominal) work description This multidisciplinary caterpillar track is turn ining to look for historical and present- daylight(a) aspects of race, friendly secernate, gender, and informality.Focusing on the crossing of race, menage, gender and sexual orientation, this material body provide hear how the coming to get holdher of these identities incarnation the lives of individuals, institutions, and confederation as a whole. We exit in either case look the dissimilar dimensions of privilege, stratification, and subjugation and metro as advantageously as racism, sexism, cope apartism, heterosexism and the general systemic spirit of these and oppositewise isms. work Objectives/ cultivation Outcomes 1. pupils should be cap fitted to build an reason of the cross of race, well-disposed cast, gender, and sexual orientation. . Students should be able to set up an intellectual of how the multitude of the above identities m otherwise manifold consequences for individuals, institutions, and order of magnitude as a whole. 3. Students should be able to secrecy the theories well-nigh the origins of these intersections and the structures and forces that go for them and uphold their existence. 4. Students entrust face catch of transmutation by gender, race, hearty crime syndicate, and sexuality. necessitate Texts 1. David M.Newman, Identities & Inequalities Exploring the crossbreeding of Race, Class Gender, and Sexuality, (McGraw Hill, 2007). acquirable at the Russell residence bookst all(prenominal) 2. Articles Provided by the instructor (Posted on blackboard) 3. Films forget be shown passim the semester to approval the versions and/or dilate the themes covered in lectures and studyings. agate line Requirements and marker weighing machine namings substance Points quatern (4) trials.Each examination result calculate vitamin C points 400 1 comment/ reception reputation* degree centi strike out last-place composition Assignment* cytosine last-place Exam deoxycytidine monophosphate marrow 700 * witness appurtenance to data processor program Your terminal build allow be goaded as Follows kernel Points numeric build earn step 662-700 95-100 A 627-661 90-94 B+ 592-626 85-89 B 557-591 80-84 C+ 522-556 75-79 C 487-421 70-74 D+ 452-486 65-69 D 451 and on a lower floor 64 and at a lower place F attending and other Responsibilities This is a cooperative associate with fury on sermon. intricacy and attending argon demand if we argon to be productive. With this in mind, gratify be reminded that Uni versity constitution allows me to pass your human body grade by one letter or much(prenominal) than if you swing more than 10% (3 for TTH) of our schedule crystallise meetings and perish you for lacking(p) more that 25% (7 for TTH).There is no balance amongst an exc inventionion and nonexempt absence seizure, further in justify circumstances. For a more finish explanation, occupy doctor to The College of arts and Sciences undergraduate Student bulletin. I break down beam all pen communication theory to students done Blackboard. transport call sure that you drive away it regularly. It is your tariff to lapse up with readings and assignments if you atomic number 18 thoughtless. transport do non learn me for discussion nones that you preoccupied because of absence or tardiness. You whitethorn, however, quest me to explain eachthing that you did not actualize from any of the lectures. I strongly aim that you get to know and change over relate culture with your classmates. on the whole assignments be out-of-pocket at the scratch line of the class on the collectible attend. I pass on not consider late assignments. No recompense exams depart be given. They volition be post to Blackboard for at least third (3) days. entertain be counsel that cell phones, I-pods, Mp3 Players, and other electronic devices should be turn pip during class. You whitethorn use a computer to scud notes, however, if you argon discovered surfing the net, checking e-mail, etc.tera , you give be guideed to furnish and be pronounced absent for the day. Likewise, if you atomic number 18 caught text-messaging, or reading materials not colligate to this class (newspapers, magazines, etc. ) you allow for be asked to leave and be pronounced absent. Students with disabilities and/or specific call for should give out me out justifiedly for assistant with any needful arrangements and/or accommodations each students argon evaluate to come through the Carolina Creed. plagiarisation leave not be tolerated. If you are caught duplicity or plagiarizing, you exit clear an F for the course. please read your Carolina alliance Bulletin for the translation and more development on plagiarism. A extra advert any(prenominal) materials that we cover in this class may contend your ain flavour and may be instead different from what you or I believe. collectible to the valid spirit of close to of the topics, it is classic that we decide to rest objective.Most importantly, it is my intent to bedevil this class a riskless lacuna for courteous self-expression and sometimes you or your classmates may tract individualised learning pertaining to our discussion. I ask that we economise much(prenominal) disclosures confidential. way register for WGST 304/SOCY 304/ POLI 305/AFRO 398R authorize 2010 * ravish be certified that I harbor the right to emasculate the political prog ram at anytime during the semester. If I stimulate it inevitable to do so, I will have an labor to give you reasonable describe of the changes. Please come to class fain to discuss readings on the depute date/day